Motivational quotes from the movie “The Pursuit of Happyness”


The pursuit of Happyness

       The Pursuit of Happyness” is a motivating true story about resilience and determination that follows the journey of Chris Gardner, a struggling salesman facing financial hardship and homelessness while raising his young son. This is the go to movie if you are feeling low and need some external motivation.

       Critics hailed “The Pursuit of Happyness” for its heartfelt storytelling and powerful performances, especially Will Smith’s portrayal of Chris Gardner. The film was widely appreciated for its ability to inspire and uplift audiences with its message of perseverance and hope in the face of adversity. Overall, it was praised as a compelling and inspiring cinematic experience.

Read the full review here.

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1."If you want something. Go get it. Period."

Pursuit of Happyness Quotes - If you want something, go get it

Meaning:  If there’s something you truly desire, you shouldn’t wait around for it to come to you or rely on luck alone. Instead, you need to actively pursue it with everything you’ve got. No excuses or exceptions. Every single thing you want requires action, whether its a fit body,  dream home or a new career.

2. "I was homeless, but I wasn’t hopeless. I knew a better day was coming."

Pursuit of happiness movie quotes

Meaning: This quote expresses the power of hope in the face of adversity. Even though the speaker doesn’t have a home, he is driven by hope. Hope drives him forward. Hope that things will eventually get better.

3. "There is no plan B for passion"

Pursuit of Happiness quotes

 Meaning:  Following your passion requires full commitment and dedication. When you are truly passionate about something, you must fully commit to it and not have a backup plan or alternative path. Passion requires single-minded dedication and pursuit.

4. "The world is your oyster. It’s up to you to find the pearls".

Pursuit of Happiness quotes oyster

Meaning: “The world is your oyster” means that the world is full of valuable opportunities and possibilities waiting for you to discover and take advantage of. However, the second part “it’s up to you to find the pearls” emphasizes that you have to actively seek out and work towards those opportunities yourself. No one is going to hand them to you easily.

5. Probably means there’s a good chance. Possibly means we might or we might not.

Pursuit of Happiness quote

Meaning: Probably” implies a higher likelihood or “good chance” that something will occur or is true. While “possibly” implies a much more uncertain or open-ended situation, where the outcome could go either way (“we might or we might not”).

6.“I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.”

Pursuit of happyness movie quotes

Meaning:  Our past experiences, both positive and negative, shape us to some extent. However, we are not defined solely by those experiences. We should  choose how we react to our past and what kind of person we want to be. Every decision, every action, contributes to who we become.

7. "claim ownership of your dreams."

Pursuit of Happiness quote

Meaning: Claiming ownership of your dreams is about becoming the author of your own story. It’s about having the courage to pursue what excites you and the dedication to see it through.

8. "It's okay to fail, It's not okay to quit."

Pursuit of happyness quotes

Meaning: Not every try guarantees victory but not trying guarentees failure. Embrace failures as stepping stones, learn from them, and keep moving forward with determination to achieve goals.

9."I am strong because I’ve been weak. I am fearless because I’ve been afraid. I am wise because I’ve been foolish."

Pursuit of happyness quotes

Meaning: Life is a continuous journey of growth and self-discovery. Failures can happen, but they are not permanent setbacks. Instead, they are opportunities to learn, adapt, and emerge stronger. It’s okay to stumble and fall, but the true test lies in our ability to pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and continue pushing forward with renewed determination. Quitting is the only true failure, as it robs us of the chance to fulfill our potential.

10. "You can only depend on yourself. The cavalry ain’t coming."

Pursuit of Happiness quotes

Meaning: “You have to do it yourself” is a call to action. It encourages you to take charge of your life, develop your skills, and work towards your goals with determination and independence. Doing it yourself doesn’t mean doing everything alone. You can build a support system of friends, mentors, or colleagues who motivate and inspire you, but the act of achieving the goal itself requires your own effort.

       The movie “The Pursuit of Happyness” isn’t just a story of overcoming homelessness; it contains many motivational quotes that resonate far beyond the film’s plot. These lines remind us that hope- hope for a better tomorrow is a powerful weapon against adversity. Claim ownership of our dreams, to learn from failures but never give up, and ultimately, succeed.

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